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The Schematic Design Phase sets the general scope of the project. This conceptual design defines the scale and relationships among the different elements of the building.  In this phase, the Architect will prepare schematic sketches which show the general arrangement of spaces and their relationship to one another.  The Architect will also show the location of the building on the site and its relationship to surrounding properties.  There will be several Design Meetings exploring alternate design solutions.  Drawings, sketches and/ or Computer Models will be prepared to help the Client visualize the project.  Upon approval of the Final Schematic Design, the project proceeds to the next phase.

Prior to any design work, the Architect will investigate zoning regulations, including setbacks, lot coverage and building height limitations and septic requirements.  The Client shall provide the Architect with a current Survey of the Property in AutoCAD.  On the Client’s behalf, the Architect will coordinate with any outside consultants such as Landscape Architects, Civil Engineers or Code Specialists.  The Architect will meet with the Client to discuss their wish list for the project and develop a program of spaces for the project.  If the project is a renovation or addition, the Architect will field measure the existing building and draw in AutoCAD to use as a basis for the new work.  Once we have all this information, we will move onto the Schematic Design Phase.

Dining Room and Kitchen Remodel
Analysis, Programming & Existing Conditions Phase:
Design Phase:
Design Development Phase
Construction Documents Phase

In the Design Development Phase, the Architect refines the approved Schematic Design Drawings.  Drawings are further developed to show other aspects of the proposed design, such as material selections for floor & wall finishes, windows, etc. Interior Elevations, Wall Sections and preliminary specifications are created.  The Architect coordinates with outside consultants, such as engineers to design the structure, mechanical and electrical and plumbing systems as required.  The Architect verifies that the design complies with local building codes. Upon approval of the Design Development Drawings, the project proceeds to the next phase.

Once the Owner has approved the Design Development phase, the Architect prepares detailed construction drawings and specifications for the Contractor to bid and construct the project.  These drawings and specifications become part of the construction contract.  These are also the drawings that are filed with the Town or City for obtaining a Building Permit.  The Owner will review and approve the final Construction Documents prior to the Bidding/ Negotiation Phase.


While the Contractor will physically build the project, the Architect can assist the Owner by providing Contract Administration.  If the Owner chooses this Service, the Architect will make periodic site visits to determine if the project is being built according to the plans and specifications.  The Architect may also review and approve the Contractor's applications for payment, process change orders, review shop drawings, and generally keep the Owner informed of the project's progress.  The Contractor is solely responsible for construction means & methods, techniques, schedules, procedures, and obtaining all required Town inspections.

In this Phase, the Owner selects and hires the Contractor.  The Architect will prepare for the Owner, bidding documents consisting of invitations to bid, instructions to bidders and Construction Drawings and Specifications for the Owners to solicit bids from several General Contractors.  The Architect will also prepare the conditions of the Contract, and the AIA form of agreement between the Owner and the Contractor.  The Architect will assist the Owner in applying for the Building Permit with the local Building Department.

Bidding & Negotiation Phase
Contract Administration Phase
Martin Stejskal Architect: a full service Architectural Design Firm





34 Linda Lane, Bethel, CT 06801                          



© 2021 Martin Stejskal Architect, AIA

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